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K12 SWP_Infographic_CO

This one-page infographic describes the purpose, program goals, partners, in-demand sector investments, and map of total awards and funding for the K12 Strong Workforce Program.

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  • Topics

    Communications, Equity, Local Planning, Program Development, Program Review, Regional Planning, Student Advising, Understanding Data
  • Dashboard

    K12 Strong Workforce Program

  • Audience

    Administrator, Communications Staff, Dean/Director, Faculty, Key Talent, Researcher, Student Service

  • Author

    California Community College Chancellor's Office Workforce and Economic Development Division

<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> This one-page infographic by the California Community College Chancellor's Office Workforce and Economic Development Division describes the purpose, program goals, partners, in-demand sector investments, and California map of total awards and funding for the K12 Strong Workforce Program for Round 1, 2, 3.